i think i can speak for both kaye and me when i say we're not only shocked at the size of sawyer's cheeks and thighs...but simply the fact that she's already four months is mind boggling. she's just getting so old...and cute. did i mention she's super cute?
i forgot how quickly things change from month to month. at four months sawyer was still working on her rolling and this month she'll be working on sitting up unassisted. she may also cut her first tooth.
that's right...our muffin has yet to sprout any teeth. when kaye was sawyer's age she had four. maybe our sawyer-muffin will grow hair faster? maybe. not likely.
so, we're still toothless. we have yet to try any solid food. we roll in both directions. and we talk and yell most of the day...unless being carried. so i guess she's a lot like a 110 year old woman. a 110 year old woman that is just so darn darling.
to celebrate sawyer's five months i packed the gals and me a little picnic to enjoy on a beautiful sunny day.
quite literally as we stepped out of the house the wind began to blow. of course. but i was determined. our picnic was already packed...blanket and all. plus i really wanted to snap some pictures of the girls together. i've only been able to capture them together in a few iPhone pictures...and today was the day.
but first, we crashed our farmer's business time.
okay okay...back to sawyer and all her five month glory.

S A W Y E R | 5 M O N T H S
nicknames | muffin, bitty, sawyer-muff, sister
height + weight | our gal...wow. she has rolls upon rolls upon rolls. her thighs are practically edible. her cheeks are so chubby they actually make her face a little droopy...in the most adorable way possible.
according to our wall measurement, our gal has hit a little growth spurt. she's grown nearly an inch this month and continues to pack on the l-b's. that's my gal.

our night time schedule still consists of her hitting the hay between 6:30 and 7 pm. she'll sleep until 10-ish and want to be fed again. then she'll wake up one more time around 4 am to eat...and then sleep in until 7:30 ish.
i'd love for her to start skipping that 10 pm nursing session. i think she wakes up for it now out of habit.
i think we're going to try some veggie purees here in the next few weeks. get excited. broccoli. mmmm.
in fact, in the past few days i've noticed kaye playing with you more and more - showing you different toys and their functions. i so so so hope this is just the very start of a deep sisterly bond.
also worth a mention - you love your carseat. you really really do. oh! and your little bouncer toy. you'll sit in it for good chunks of time. thank you sweet girl for making this infant phase pretty easy.
dislikes | loud noises, too many people, strangers, being laid down (you prefer sitting up)...and that's pretty much it. i repeat...you're basically the easiest going baby in all the land of babies.
not going to happen.
Mine is still toothless at 9 months! lol! Sawyer is precious! 5 months though!? How did that happen!?
ReplyDeleteSweet sisters
ReplyDeleteThose little chub cheeks!
ReplyDeleteI STILL call my 17 month old "bitty" haha. Sawyer is precious! Seeing these pictures is making me excited for my baby girl to get here!
ReplyDeleteGive me all the squishes!!! She is so adorable with her chubby cheeks! Love! Caleb did not get his first tooth until almost 12 months, so maybe he and Sawyer are just slow on the uptake when it comes to teeth (which, as a breastfeeding mom, I can't say I minded!) I'm definitely curious to see how Vivian will be with teething!
ReplyDeletesuch a sweet, sweet girl! I've been certain a few times that Nora was sprouting teeth...but still nothing. Just drool. LOTS of drool.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm so thankful for Nora's squishiness...Elyse was a skinny little thing, so these chunky, rolly thighs are new for me and I'm loving it!
I wanna pinch those chubby lil cheeks! What a lil cutie! :)
ReplyDeleteMandie ~ http://badbrewpack.blogspot.com/
inappropriate to mention how hot your husband is? #sorrynotsorry
ReplyDeleteShe is just precious! I love reading your updates on her!
The Mrs. & Co.
ReplyDeletexx Kelly
Sparkles and Shoes
Thanks for the update! I'm eagerly awaiting the birth of my first grandchild in February and I couldn't be more excited. The time does seem to go by quickly! 5 months old already! Your photos are great and really show the love between the two sisters, and those cute chubby cheeks, it's too much! .
ReplyDeleteHeidi Sutton @ Ag Source Magazine