disclaimer: partially written thursday, partially written friday


oh hey you pretty people.

as i wrap up my standard thursday night cry.

as the avengers is blasting through the bedroom wall.

as i laid here for 1.5 hours trying to sleep through it.

i gave up.

then i remembered that my wonderful cousin sent me some wonderful pictures and i instantly felt better.

and then a fight scene happened and i instantly became ticked off again. i mean...i haven't slept well for a few months or anything...i don't get up to pee seven times a night...my body temperature doesn't rest at about 102 making it impossible to be comfortable...please oh please blast the avengers. nothing like 37 weeks large to bring out the passive-aggressive in a gal. i digress...

so my amazing cousin, woodrow...woody, sent me some amazing photos.

(y'all remember woody, right? from here and here and here.)

the photos he sent really tugged right at my heartstrings.

like this one...
do you know who these people are? well, that's my grandpa there on the left. and my grandma there on the right. i never had a chance to meet the man, but i've heard he was pretty fantastic. i think you would have to be pretty fantastic to put up with the sass of my grandma. i knew this fine, classy lady quite well. and dare i say...i think i'm a bit like her.

can we take a moment to look at the gaze of my grandpa...is it wrong for me to say i think he's handsome?

and just look what happened...they created this...

you bet they did. and he's my father. father of the bell. and yes, that is his red hair. and yes, those are bangs on a shaved head. it concerns me.

regardless...he turned out a-okay...

plus he made me...so the gene-pool can't be all that bad...right? i clearly was gypped on the ginger gene. (did you know that's how gypped is spelled? i. did. not.)

moving on...

he also sent me this gem...

top row: aunt p, great aunt gerri, cousin mic, great grandma, my grandma, aunt s, great grandpa
bottom row: cousin tom (woody's dad), my grandpa, my dad, aunt mary and uncle bill (woody's grandma and grandpa)

lots going on in this picture, but please note the super-sassy cowboy hats. also note that my dad's shoes match his hat...quite the accessorizing.

basically what i'm saying about this picture is it might be one of my most favorites. three generations are represented and it's full of people i love.

but let me point out one more thing: have a look at woody's dad...

now have a look at woody...

did someone say, "twinsies!" yes...i just did.


so after falling asleep way too late in a huffy mood last night, i woke up way too early and got right to work. 47 phone calls later and i was on my way to our glorious, little family cabin about three hours from le farm.

the beauty of it all? i get it all to my little lonesome. well...i guess bebe is here too.

i was chatting with my dad on le cellular telephone and he said it perfectly:

"there is something about the cabin that gives good vibes."

(some of my dad's terms can be a bit hippie.)

but he's right...you pull in to the dirt driveway and your forehead relaxes, you take a deep breath of mountain (although smokey) air, and all of a sudden the avengers blasting through the bedroom door ain't no thang.

clearly i can blame the pregnancy hormones for my avengers reaction last night.

the strawberry-oreo milkshake i bought when i got to town certainly didn't hurt a thing...that's for sure.

and so...i hope y'all have one heck of a weekend. i'll be very busy cookin' bebe for 21 more days.

no...i'm not counting.